As an added customer service, ATL offers its design, engineering and roto-molding capabilities to produce outstanding high-impact fuel tanks and containers. These polymer vessels meet FIA/FT3 and MVSS-301 Specs, and feature extremely low permeation rates.
If your specialty vehicle requires a crashworthy, high-temperature, non-exploding fuel tank with ballistic self-healing properties, ATL can produce it!
In addition, ATL's tank moldings can include integral sumps, threaded inserts, baffles, metallic flanges, bosses, hose attachment "stubs" and mounting brackets.
ATL's world-renowned Sports Cells®, Saver Cells® and Racells® are produced with this polymer technology. These inexpensive safety fuel tanks are fully FIA approved under designation #ATL-565.
Caps, baffling, pumps, gauges, fittings and ISO 9001:2000 certification are available as well.
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